Workforce, Economic, and Community Development Working Group

Workforce, Economic, and Community Development Working Group

Please note: These working group participants are historical and reflect their information at the time of service.

Brenda N. Albright

Subject Matter Expert; Consultant, Franklin Education Group

Michael Bower

President, Lake Region State College

J. Keith Brown


Lisa Edwards

Dean for Enterprise & Economic Development, Tacoma Community College

Debbie Goodman

Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Southwest Georgia Technical College

Andrew L. Meyer

Vice President for Learning, Anne Arundel Community College

Nancy Poppe

Campus President, Portland Community College - Southeast Center

Thomas R. Ramage

President, Parkland College

James Sawyer IV

Provost & Vice President, Learning Unit, Macomb Community College

Gordon F. Snyder, Jr.

Executive Director, ICT Center, Springfield Technical Community College